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A Ghostly Photowalk // Fall 2011 Baltimore Photowalk

Recently The Photowalk Alliance took our second Photowalk.  For this walk, the Fall 2011 Photowalk, myself and Joe Sterne planned a private tour to Westminster Hall and the current burial site of Edgar Allen Poe.  This trip was different for us, in that we had made quite a few leaps and bounds since planning our previous walk.  For starters, this walk was our first official sponsored walk, with donations and assistance coming from the fine folks at both ThinkTank Photo and Black Rapid, makers of some of the finest accessories and equipment for photographers the world-over.

What did those fine folks do for us?  Funny you should ask.  You may recall a previous post where I reviewed the ThinkTank Digital Holster 50 v2.0.  At the time, I couldn't reveal the secret, but ThinkTank actually gave us that bag to give away at our walk.  We held a photo contest during the walk, and the winner was selected at 10pm on Sunday, November 20th.  The winner of the contest was the photo that looked the "creepiest" and was selected by members of TPA.  The winner of the bag was Christine Sullivan, with the following photo:

Christine is a local photographer in the Maryland area, and we're pretty sure she managed to capture a ghost in this image!

The image definitely fit in with the entire ambiance of the trip.  The tour guide gave us some great ghost stories, and I don't think there was a single hair in the house that wasn't standing on end, and not a single person just a tiny bit creeped out.

Our other sponser, Black Rapid, was also kind enough to give us an item to give away at our walk.  For this particular item we drew names out of a hat, and gave away a Black Rapid RS Sport strap.  I personally love the Black Rapid line of straps (and have raved about them just about every chance that I get) and I think we were able to sell a few to some of our fellow walkers!


I think everybody had a lot of fun (I hope) and I'm really looking forward to our next walk.  If you're interested in joining us on any of our future walks, make sure to hit up our facebook page.  We try our best to keep our costs down and our fun up, so make sure you get on the list for the next one!

If you were at the walk, feel free to leave a comment on this post telling everyone about your experience, and enjoy some more photos from our walk after this post!

[Photowalk Gallery]